Thursday, 1 September 2011

Install Windows and Applications with no Pain

As I have said previously about creating your own custom Windows XP installation CD/DVD. Now its about a application that makes lot easier for you to pack and install all your applications with windows installation. So you can install Windows and applications with ease and automatically.
Windows post install wizard(WPI) is a cool application that allows user to include applications along with windows setup. With WPI  you can create image that can be configured, automated and optionally so user can install any applications. One can choose the installation of multiple programs, tweaks, games, office applications, scripts... so on. With WPI you will need 1 or 2 CD\DVD's to fully install your PC with your favorite programs and registry tweaks. You can also have all your applications updates like Flash Player, Adobe Reader inside image, you can install application without any need of user input.


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